Published: November 28, 2017
Happy Holidays!
The Social Committee will be judging holiday lights and decorations December 16th
Winners will be announced no later then December 20th
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Published: September 06, 2017
The greatest risk to your child is not riding a bus, but approaching or leaving one. Before your child goes back to school or starts school for the first time, it’s important for you and your child to know traffic safety rules. Teach your child to follow these practices to make school bus transportation safer.
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Published: September 05, 2017
We hope you've enjoyed using our pool this season, but wanted to let you know that the pool officially closes October 16th.
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Published: August 18, 2017
With all the recent rain, the pool has flooded which caused the chemical levels to become slightly off. Erroring on the side of caution, Management and the pool contractor decided it would be best to close the pool. Our pool contractor is already working to correct the problem and the pool will reopen by Monday, weather permitting!
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Published: June 07, 2017
The public hearing for the proposed rezoning of approximately 29 acres generally located near Lakeview Boulevard and Shady Shores Road has been scheduled for the June 14th P&Z meeting. The meeting will be held at 6:30 pm in the City Council Chambers at 215 E. McKinney. Thank you very much for your input, and please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.
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Published: May 31, 2017
A homeowner attended the neighborhood meeting at the school last week and am providing you with the information as it was presented to us on the slides.
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Published: April 05, 2017
On March 29, the City held a neighborhood meeting at Pecan Creek Elementary to discuss a rezoning request of approximately 29 acres from a Regional Center Residential 1 (RCR-1) District and a Regional Center Commercial Downtown (RCC-D) District to a Commercial Mixed-Use General (CM-G) District. The site is bordered by Lakeview Boulevard, Shady Shores Road, and the I-35E service road. The applicant has expressed an intent to develop the site with a Kroger, a fuel center, and several pad sites for commercial uses. About 47 residents attended the meeting along with staff from Development Services, Engineering, Watershed Protection, Keep Denton Beautiful and Community Affairs. At the meeting, there was a request for a copy of the staff presentation (see attached), and the various permitted uses for CM-G, RCR-1 and RCC-D zoning (see attached).
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Published: January 16, 2017
Villages of Carmel Homeowners Association and its Board of Directors are proud to announce the launch of its new homeowner website. This website is designed to provide a direct line of communication to our homeowners from the board of directors, property management company, and other homeowners.
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