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Thank you for your interest in Villages of Carmel Homeowners Association. If you need additional information that wasn't available on our website, have questions about the homeowners association and area, or need to contact our property management company, please feel free to use the information provided below.
Legacy Southwest homeowners can make their payments online
The Board of Directors meets monthly to discuss issues related to Villages of Carmel HOA.
Board meeting notices can be found on the Home page as well as the Events page. Meeting minutes are posted in the homeowner area under Documents.
8668 John Hickman Pkwy., Suite #801 Frisco, TX 75034
Ryan Smith Community Manager office: (214) 705-1615
FOR After-Hours EMERGENCIES, please call 972-382-6509 or
A Webmaster is the administrator of a website.
Generally, a webmaster's responsibilities include:
The Webmaster cannot answer questions regarding your HOA dues, grant access to the pool, or provide any information about the inner-workings of the HOA, events, budget's, ACC approvals, etc.
If you have an question for the association, please send an email to, otherwise, if you have trouble with the website, please send an email to
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